NJ State Supreme Court Rules For Internet Privacy

Aron Schatz
April 22, 2008

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The title was a bit finicky, but the NJ Supreme Court (that means only the state of NJ) has ruled that an ISP cannot give information without a warrant from a grand jury. Basically that means that in NJ, you are safe from the state institutions against privacy violations. Sadly, this does nothing about the federal level.


"The New Jersey Supreme Court is the first in the nation to recognize a reasonable expectation of privacy when using the internet anonymously," said Trenton-based attorney Grayson Barber, who represented six privacy rights organizations as a friend of the court. "'I think this reflects the reality that most people do expect a measure of privacy when they are using the internet anonymously."

The unanimous seven-member court held that police do have the right to seek a user's private information when investigating a crime involving a computer, but must follow legal procedures. The court said authorities do not have to warn a suspect that they have a grand jury subpoena to obtain the information.

That's a reminder. If you are committing a crime, the authorities just need to get a warrant for the information.


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