More Net Legislation

Aron Schatz
July 26, 2006

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Congress has once again screwed with internet website owners. It is now a federal criminal offense to put improper meta tags on certain sites. Where does it stop? STOP LEGISLATING SOMETHING YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. Morons.


"America's children will be better protected from every parent's worst nightmare--sexual predators--thanks to passage" of the legislation, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said in a statement on Tuesday. House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, in a statement issued after the House approved the bill by voice vote, said: "We've all seen the disturbing headlines about sex offenders and crimes against children. These crimes cannot persist. Protecting our children from Internet predators and child exploitation enterprises are just as high a priority as securing our border from terrorists."

Reading statements like this make me want to punch someone in the face... really hard. I hate when people say "Think of the Children!!!". MAKE PARENTS DO THEIR OWN JOBS. My parents imposed NO restrictions on what I could do and yes, I think I was better off than some puritanical idiot that was sheltered by government mandates. This is the same crap that is happening in schools. Let the kids be kids and get hurt. Dodgeball is FUN. If your kid gets hurt, DEAL WITH IT. He is weak! No, instead the parents sue the school and everyone loses.


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