Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
November 9, 2005
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These birds are too stupid to change.


The sharp drop in the seabird numbers coincided with a climate shift that resulted in a reduced abundance of lipid-rich fish in the area, though other fish species remained available as food. The researchers theorised that chicks born at or after this time lacked the lipid-rich foods they needed for proper cognitive development, leaving them less likely to have the skills needed to survive as independent adults.

Venus Express launches.


The $260 million (220 million Euro) Venus Express probe is the ESA’s fastest spacecraft to develop to date, taking less than four years to move from the concept phase to launch, and its first aimed at Venus. While several probes have swung past the planet on their way to other bodies in the Solar System, the ESA’s Venus Express is the first dedicated probe to investigate the cloudy world since NASA’s Magellan orbiter burned up in the planet’s atmosphere in 1994.

Voters get rid of stupid school board and Intelligent Design.


The board of Dover Area School District in south-central Pennsylvania lost eight of its nine incumbents in an upset election that surprised even the challengers, who had been hoping for a bare majority to take control of the board. The new board, which includes teachers, opposed the incumbents' policy of including intelligent design in science classes.


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