Shuttle AK35GT2-R review

Aron Schatz
July 19, 2002
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O^2 has a review of the Shuttle AK35GT2-R with KT333 action.


As expected, the board runs just fine at 166MHz ... heck, the KT333 chipset officially supports those speeds Smile. Anything greater was not stable with my Crucial PC2100 DDR memory because it needs more "juice" to achieve greater speeds ... If it would be possible to set the DDR voltage to +3V, speeds of 180MHz and more are achievable (and stable) with this memory. When combined with PC2700 memory (which can run at 166MHz at default voltage), speeds up to 184MHz were obtainable. Pretty sweet huh? And if you remember the 1/5 PCI divider, you know that this kind of speed is really usable because there is no risk of losing data or PCI cards malfunctioning due to the high PCI bus speeds.


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