News for the weekend

Aron Schatz
April 15, 2002
Tags Software

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IIS Lockdown Tool Version 2.1
IIS Lockdown Wizard version 2.1 works by turning off unnecessary features, thus reducing attack surface available to attackers. To provide multiple layers of protection against attackers, URLscan, with customized templates for each supported server role, is integrated into the IIS Lockdown Wizard.

Serious Sam: SE source code
The public source code for Serious Sam: the Second Encounter is now available, offering everything budding mod coders need to get tinkering with Croteam's fast-paced first-person shooter sequel. The SDK contains header files, templates, libraries, debug binaries, .ini files, and more.

Wolfenstien source code
Activision sends along the public source code for Return to Castle Wolfenstein, offering mod authors everything needed to create new variations on the first-person shooter by Gray Matter and Nerve Software. Included is the source code to both the single- and multi-player sides of the game.

I probably missed a bunch of stuff. I'm working on an easy way to send in news also.

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