Socket A coolor round up

Aron Schatz
May 27, 2002
Tags Cooling

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Tweaknews has a Socket A cooler roundup.

Now on a overall product scale, I was surprised and really disappointed with some of these coolers. For one, I was impressed with the performance of the Dynatron lineup. They all performed well but with one downfall, noise. The Swiftech didn't perform to my expectations, but I think that is more a fan issue than a heatsink problem. More cfm's being pushed through it would have warranted a better cooling result. The Vantec CopperX line is NOT good. It is just a relabeled CCK-6035 with a different clip. I really do not like marketing practices like this and get a feeling that the wool is being pulled over some eyes in the computer hardware market. The real surprising results go to the Sibak Copper-Core cooler and the GlobalWIN CAK-II16. The GlobalWIN all-copper cooler came out with some good cooling results for the amount of airflow (13cfm). The Sibak copper-core cooler was really amazing at cooling for the size and the relative airflow and tackled even the mighty Dynatron's for the title.


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