Abit Ti 4600 review

Aron Schatz
May 20, 2002
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got apex? review the Abit branded Ti 4600.

In terms of performance, the ABIT board was superb. Beyond the expected insane framerates afforded by the Ti4600, we were very pleased with the overall 2D and 3D image quality. Because of this, we are happy to award the SILURO a score of 5 / 5 for the Performance category. When we discuss the reliability of the ABIT board we must make mention that we were quite impressed with the build quality and overall stability present with the SILURO. Of course the category of Reliability and Stability is really a catchall for many different facets of our evaluation, such as included drivers, available technical support and ease of installation. While ABIT does come up smelling like roses with their excellent build quality, they fall well short of the industry standard for technical support, and their drivers on the CD are not based on the most recent WHQL'd Nvidia drivers. After considering these factors, we scored the SILURO a 4 / 5 for Reliability and Stability. (Don't they know what a paragraph is?)


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